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Given the reasonably remote geographic location on the West coast of Australia and absence of large electrical rotating machine manufacturing tradition in Australia, Dr Znidarich developed extensive multi-disciplinary regionally based electrical machinery engineering approach, knowledge,  and experience.


That is now reflected in a very broad range of electrical machinery expert consulting services offered by GMECS.

  • General Rotating Electrical Machinery Consulting


  • Hydro and Turbo Generatror Design for Uprates and Upgrades - Refer to Upgrades/Uprates Page


  • Rotating Machine Design Reviews - Design Reviews for Motors and Generators, Including Electromagnetic, Thermal and Performance Analysis


  • Hydro and Turbo Generator Specifications for Refurbishment - Detailed Machine Explicit Specifications for Refurbishment Including Work, Inspection, and Testing Scopes


  • ​Engineering Suppot During Refurbishment Outages - 24/7 Access to Engineering Suport, Solutions and Dialogue with Owner Utility Engineering 


  • ​HV Winding Design and Specifications, Witnessing of Type Tesing and Manufacturing - Refer to HV Winding Design Page

  • Witnessing of Rotating Machine Repairs​ - Representing Owners at Service Facilities to Ensure Correct and Quality Repair Outcomes


  • Hydro and Turbo Generator Custom Maintenance Instructions - Traditionally Comprehensive OEM Maintenance Instructions are not Available, Since OEM's Budgeted on On-Flow Maintenance Work.  GMECS Produce Either Generalised or Machine Specific Maintenance Instructions Based Either on Periodic or Condition Monitoring Based  Maintenance Strategies


  • Rotating Machine Inspections, Trobleshooting, and Failure Analysis - GMECS Offers Detailed Machine Inspections (Visual and NDT), Off-Line Electrical Testing (by Associate Company), Problem Troubleshooting, and Failure or Degradation Mechanisms Analysis


  • RCA of Major Rotating Equipment Failures​ - Electrical Machinery Experts Versed in the Art of Rotating Electrical Machinery Root Cause Analysis are Hard to Find Outside of OEM's Enginering.  GMECS Offers the RCA Based on More than 35 Years of Experience


  • Expert Opinions and Reporting - Expert Opinion and Reporting is Offered on all Aspects of Electrical Rotating Machinery Operational and Design Issues


  • Rotating Machinery Electrical Testing, Commissioning, and Parameter Derivation (by Associate Company) - These Services are Offered Through an Associated Company Edwards Electrical Engineering, in My Opinion the Best in the Industry

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